Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I'm Baaaaaack. And Bigger Than Ever!

Trying to lose weight just sucks. I didn’t lose it for my wedding, and I had a whole year to try. But I’ve done it before, and now, at my heaviest weight, I’m going to do it again. This time I’m going to track my progress. And I’m posting this on my blog site. And I’m going to take before pictures. And post them.

I’m a fairly active person, and I enjoy exercising. But I’m about 50 pounds overweight, and I’m unhappy with how my body looks and acts. More than anything, I need to change my eating habits, and I’m starting right now. (At this very moment, I am skipping the monthly office birthday party in order to write this, so I mean that literally.)

I’m going to make a series of small changes that are permanent, adding a new one each week. This week I have banned myself from all candy vending machines. I won’t even look at them. They are dead to me.

My weaknesses are sugar, chocolate, and soda. My strengths are my amount of exercise, a high volume of water drinkage, and a fondness for vegetables.

(Ok, I just had two deviled eggs from the birthday party. I’m so weak. But I did skip the cookies, cake and the cheese ball.) I think that I’m going to have to work on impulsiveness and making food in advance. There was a time when I always carried a protein bar and a couple of ounces of almonds around, just in case. Now I need to get back to exercise, discipline and affection and be a true pack leader. Oh wait, that’s the Dog Whisperer.

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