Saturday, August 19, 2006


Hmmm... goals. Goals pretty much suck. I guess in a fitness blog, my first goal should either be 1) to lose x lbs and look totally hot, or 2) to be healthy and start a journey into my soul blah blah blah. Well of course I want to lose weight, of course I want to look hot, of course I want to be 80 years old and laugh at all of the other grannies in the nursing home because they can't get up out of their wheelchairs and do Dance Dance Revolution version 437.

I want to be healthier than I am, that's for sure. I know how to eat right, I just don't do it. I know how to put together a great exercise plan, but I haven't been able to stick to one for longer than two weeks.

My first goal is to make small, permanent changes in my diet every week for the next six weeks. I have already started last week by giving up Mike & Ikes, Hot Tamales, and other super-sugar candy. I'm strictly talking about pure, undiluted high fructose corn syrup here. This does not include Snickers, Peanut M&Ms or chocolate.

My second goal is to begin a fitness program and stick to it. Until the end of October, I plan to go on a cardio/endurance based rotation. Weights will only be 2x to 3x a week, and circuit-style, interspersed with cardio. Don't worry, after I slim down a little, I plan to incorporate a killer weight routine. But that's enough about goals, on to the routines!

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