Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Not a Bad Start...So Far

My small dietary change this week was to change my daily candy bar for something a little healthier. So far I have been successful. I bought some already cut up celery and carrot chips, and have been chowing on them and some low-fat ranch dressing. The celery is particularly good. The carrots, not so much.

I had to kick myself in the behind in order to work out last night. Even then, I did an abbriveated leg workout, using the (20-25 min) leg only portion from Cathe Friedrich's Muscle Max, and not the full leg and cardio (50 min) PlyoLegs from Tony Horton's Power 90 Masters series. PlyoLegs has a definite dread factor working against it. Not as bad as Plyo X, maybe but it's still there.

Tonight is cardio, upper body, and abs. I plan on doing a Step Blast/Step, Jump and Pump circuit premix (another Cathe video). I do the aerobic portion pretty much as is, but in the place of the lower body weights, I have added some extra bicep, tricep, and shoulder work. And of course, I had to add some extra back work also, because Cathe is notorious for skimping on the back workout.

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