Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Beans and Rice Report and Log

Sunday workout: none. I was supposed to start my new Cathe rotation, but by the time I got home from work and made my dinners for the week, I was exhausted. Drop down drag out tired. So I did nothing.

Sunday eating: fair. I had relatively few calories, even for not working out, but a lot of sugar (134.2 grams).

Monday workout: none. It was an effort to even move. Tired, achy, bloated, whiny...uh oh. It's that time of the month again. I'm bummed that my new Cathe rotation has gone all to hell.

Monday food: fair. Actually, about the same as Sunday. Low calories, high sugar (137.2 grams).

But today is a new day. I have already walked, and I will do some weight work tonight, even if it isn't from my new Cathe videos. Yesterday I received my new Coffey videos in the mail, so I might pop one of those in.

I've noticed that since I've started restricting sugar that I haven't had any major break-outs. I usually only get them once a month, but they are really bad when I do get them.

A note on the Beans and Rice Recipe. I made it on Sunday, and it's nice. It's a little bland (but, hey, it's beans and rice), but it tastes brighter than my other recipe. It looks really festive, too. I love the red bell pepper. So this one is a winner and goes into my recipe book.

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