Thursday, October 11, 2007

Log and Still More on the Cookies

Here's the workout log for yesterday:

Cathe's Cardio and Weights- Compound and Heavy Wts premix
Cathe's Low Impact Step- just the warm-up
Bento's 10 Minute Solution Trouble Zones!- Butt and Thigh Blaster; Stretch

Today is supposed to be a recovery-type day, but I'm feeling pretty good, and since I had two days off on the weekend, I think I'm going to do some extra step.

Note on the Cpd and Heavy Wts premix: I did all of the pyramid push up side raise thingies without modifications! Yay. Road back to fitness, I'm travellin' on. I am still modifying some of the ab work, especially those walking soldier planks at the very end. Ugh.

The whole eating thing was fair...I had a few too many of those oatmeal cookies. I've decided that they're not too bad, I just had to get over the fact that they didn't have the same taste or texture as oatmeal cookies. Maybe they should be called bean cookies, or something. I think I'll make another batch, this time with the cinnamon oatmeal.

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