Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Same Old, Same Old

Food: Yesterday's eating was very my calorie range, although on the high side, and less sugar intake than Monday. I hate to admit it, but the food diary thing really works. It's just that I get bored with it so quickly. And when I actually eat something that I don't know the calorie count for it drives me crazy. But it works.

Exercise: Exercise was good too.
Walk- 40 min (lunchtime)
Step- 40 min of Cathe's StepBlast.
I think I actually only did about 35 minutes of StepBlast. The other 5, I had the DVD on pause while gasping for breath. It makes me sad that I can't make it all the way through the step combos on this one. It will get better, though.

Another exercise Cathe DVDs are being shipping. Right now they are in transit from Horsham, PA to, well, probably Ohio and then on to Lenexa, KS where they can be distributed to me. UPS Tracking is a dangerous thing, sometimes.

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