Thursday, October 18, 2007

Checking In

Wednesday workout:
Walk- 45 min (lunch...and it rained)
Weights- 68 min: The same weights as usual, Cathe's Cardio and Weights Compound and Heavy Wts premix
Bento's 10 min Solution legs and stretch

Wednesday's eating: pretty good. Only 105 g sugar, the lowest total yet. Calories were good also.

Thursday workout: nothing. zilch, zip, nada. Hey, it's my designated recovery day. And it's been raining all day. Actually, I wanted to do the Budokon Beginning workout again. It's perfect for a recovery day- under 30 minutes, yoga and light cardio, but I just didn't get to it.

Thursday's eating: Oh, I've been bad. Ok, not that bad overall, but even though the calories were within my range, I would have liked to see them lower, considering that I didn't work out at all today. But my sugars! They are at 151.8 g, which is pretty high. I actually started out pretty good. I don't have too much that is a straight sugar snack in my house anymore, but at my second job, between the twizzlers and the caramel corn...look out!
My new Cathes are almost here! I will have to go home during lunch tomorrow to do some previewing. I've worked up a new rotation--a four-day split, imagine that. It should start this Sunday.

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