Friday, October 26, 2007
Uh oh

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Log 10/24

Tuesday's workout:
- 50 min walk (lunchtime)...this one was especially nice. The sun was shining, and I wasn't staring at the minutes on my watch.
- 30 minutes weights- I was short on time last night, so I put in Coffey's new Cardio/Sculpt, and just did the sculpt and only did one round for everything, not two. Then abs. I'm feeling a little sore today, so I think it did it's job.
All in all, it was a good day.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Beans and Rice Report and Log
Sunday eating: fair. I had relatively few calories, even for not working out, but a lot of sugar (134.2 grams).
Monday workout: none. It was an effort to even move. Tired, achy, bloated, whiny...uh oh. It's that time of the month again. I'm bummed that my new Cathe rotation has gone all to hell.
Monday food: fair. Actually, about the same as Sunday. Low calories, high sugar (137.2 grams).
But today is a new day. I have already walked, and I will do some weight work tonight, even if it isn't from my new Cathe videos. Yesterday I received my new Coffey videos in the mail, so I might pop one of those in.
I've noticed that since I've started restricting sugar that I haven't had any major break-outs. I usually only get them once a month, but they are really bad when I do get them.
A note on the Beans and Rice Recipe. I made it on Sunday, and it's nice. It's a little bland (but, hey, it's beans and rice), but it tastes brighter than my other recipe. It looks really festive, too. I love the red bell pepper. So this one is a winner and goes into my recipe book.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Recipe: Easy Protein Waffles

I’ve just tweaked this recipe to substitute ¼ cup unsweetened applesauce for ¼ cup vegetable oil. Lower in fat, and I think it makes the waffles even fluffier, if possible. Someday in the next few months, I'm going to start making these from scratch, in an effort to make a healthier waffle. I'm also looking for a topping with less sugar (or high-fructose corn syrup).
Easy Protein Waffles
- 1 1/2 cups waffle mix (I use Hungry Jack Extra Light and Fluffy Pancake and Waffle Mix)
- 1 egg
- 2 level scoops of protein powder (I use chocolate protein powder because, well, that's all I have)
- 1 1/4 cups water
- 1/4 cup unsweetened applesauce
Mix all ingredients together (sometimes I use a hand mixer, if it's too lumpy). Spray waffle iron with Pam, then pour part of the batter into the hot waffle iron. Close and cook for 2-4 minutes (depending on the waffle iron and how well done you like your waffles). Repeat until all the mix is gone. Makes about 4 and 1/2 waffles, unless you pour heavy, then it makes 4.
Nutrition Information:
193 calories; 3.2 g fat; 49 mg cholesterol; 651 mg sodium; 31.7 g carbohydrates; .7 g fiber; 6.1 g sugar; 9.8 g protein; 18% calcium; 11% iron.
I've Got New Videos
Friday workout: 35 minutes of step (LowMax, no blasts)
Friday food: very good. Under 100 g of sugar for the first time. Calories were also good. Having a medium breakfast, a large lunch and a smallish dinner seems to work pretty good for me.
Saturday workout: nothing
Saturday food: good until the fiance and I went out for dinner. My actual order of grilled chicken and shrimp was fairly healthy, but I chowed on the tortilla chips. Calories were on my high end, especially considering that I didn't work out.
Ok, now for the good stuff. I got my videos on Friday, and I've been previewing and working on making up weight sheets, and I start my new Cathe rotation today. It is going to look something like this:
Sunday: Disc A, Workout 1 High Intensity Step plus Ch/Ba weights
Monday: Disc A, Workout 2 Low Intensity Step plus Shoulders/Calves/Core weights
Tues: Disc B, Workout 4 Bootcamp Cardio plus Bis and Tris weights
Wed: Disc B, Workout 3 Cardio Kickbox plus Legs and Core weights
Thurs: Recovery day- walk, Budokon Beginning workout, yoga video etc.
Fri: Workout 1 HIS
Sat: Workout 2 LIS
Sun: Workout 4 BCC
Mon: Workout 3 CKB
and so forth. Thursday will almost always be a recovery day for me. I might vary up the cardio, especially with two step days in a row, but I will keep to the weight schedule.
I will probably have to modify the cardio quite a bit at first, and I KNOW I won't be at the weight levels that Cathe is. I'm not worried about it, though. It just means that I have room to improve.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Video Review: UML (Upper Middle Lower)

Tony Horton
Instructor comments: Tony is a goof. Sometimes he is funny and cute, and other times you want to hit him in the face with a brick.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Checking In
Walk- 45 min (lunch...and it rained)
Weights- 68 min: The same weights as usual, Cathe's Cardio and Weights Compound and Heavy Wts premix
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Same Old, Same Old
Exercise: Exercise was good too.
Walk- 40 min (lunchtime)
Step- 40 min of Cathe's StepBlast.
I think I actually only did about 35 minutes of StepBlast. The other 5, I had the DVD on pause while gasping for breath. It makes me sad that I can't make it all the way through the step combos on this one. It will get better, though.
Another exercise note...my Cathe DVDs are being shipping. Right now they are in transit from Horsham, PA to, well, probably Ohio and then on to Lenexa, KS where they can be distributed to me. UPS Tracking is a dangerous thing, sometimes.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Recipe: Beans & Rice

Beans & Rice
Total time to prepare : 15 min
Servings: 4
- 1 cup instant brown rice
- 2 teaspoons extra-virgin olive oil
- 1 medium onion, chopped (1 cup)
- 1 medium red bell pepper, diced (2 cups)
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 1 19-oz can black beans, or dark red kidney beans, rinsed
- 1/4 cup reduced-sodium chicken or vegetable broth
- 1 tablespoon cider vinegar
- 1/4 teaspoon hot sauce
- 1/8 teaspoon pepper
- 1/3 cup chopped fresh cilantro
Cook rice. Meanwhile, heat oil in large skillet over med-high heat. Add onion, cook for 2 min, stirring often. Add bell pepper and garlic, cook until softened (2-3 minutes) stirring often. Add beans, broth, vinegar, hot sauce and pepper. Cook until heated through, 1-2 minutes. Add the hot rice and cilantro; mix well.
Nutrition Information per serving:
Calories 252; Carbohydrates 42g; Dietary Fiber 10g; Fat 4g (Monounsaturated Fat 2g); Potassium 189mg; Sodium 429 mg.
The Dreaded Food Diary

Yesterday's workout:
Walk- 40 minutes (lunchtime)
Weights- Cathe's Cardio & Weights, Cpd & Heavy weights premix, plus combo one of the step (about 5-7 min)
Bento's 10 Min Solution Butt Blaster (did I mention how much I hate that title), and Stretch.
I upped the weights on the heavy weights on everything but the chest work, but still modified the ab work, although not as much.
And because of the food log, my eating was really good. A calorie count within my target range (which is 1600-1900 cal, depending on amount of exercise). The only downside was that it was a little too much sugar, which I totally blame on the brownie that somehow forced its way down my throat. Until now, the sugar intake has been the best thing about my diet. I slowly weaned myself down to one 20 oz Pepsi a day, and this week I've cut myself down to 12 oz of Pepsi. I'll probably stay here for a while. I think I was at the 20 oz for about three or four weeks. The ultimate goal is to cut it out completely, but since it's my biggest and longest addiction, I'm trying to go slow.
Monday, October 15, 2007
My Other Preorders

Sunday, October 14, 2007
The New Cathes are Coming!

Workout #2 Low Impact Step plus weights Shoulders and Core
Workout # 4 Boot Camp Cardio plus weights Biceps/Triceps
Why are Weekends So Hard?
Thursday, 10/11: 45 min walk
30 min of interval step (Cathe's IMAX 2)
Friday, 10/12: nothing
Saturday, 10/13: nothing
Sunday, 10/14: nothing
Arrrgh. It is so hard to keep up my workout schedule on the weekends. I think I have so much time, and then something always comes up. This weekend it was looking after my 3 year old nephew while my sister was out of town. He's a little cutie, and I only babysat from after work on Fri. to Sat. evening, but it just threw me totally out of whack. When I dropped him off on Sat. and came back home, I was just too tired to do the workout I wanted to do. So instead of doing something easier, didn't do anything.
Then today. I knew I only had until 5pm to get my workout done. I had to be at work at my 2nd job at 5:30 until midnight. But after grocery shopping, cooking and some minimal cleaning, that was it. I just wanted to plant my ass on the sofa and watch some television. At least I got my meals cooked for the week. But I'm still angry that I took 3 days off from working out. One day is great! Two days are good, as long as they aren't consecutive. But three days in a row? It's really hard to get back into a workout routine after three days off, believe me.
Now, about the eating. It was...okay. Getting better, I guess. I got a free 30 day supply of this stuff called Satiatrim. You're supposed to drink it before meals, and it will help you feel full etc. It doesn't have a lot of sugar (and it was free), so I decided to give it a try. Since my problem times are afternoons and evenings, I decided to just drink it in the afternoons and evenings to make it stretch. I tried the vanilla on Friday. It tastes a little bit like Slimfast, but better. There is a super chalky residue aftertaste, so I ended up drinking about 20 ounces of water with it. I had it with lunch (about 2pm) and I felt extremely full afterwards. I didn't have any on Saturday. Today, I tried the berry-flavored kind. It was okay--not as good as the vanilla--and with the same residue taste. This time I drank it in the afternoon when I was rummaging for snacks. It killed any desire for snacks, but it did not give me that full feeling. I will be giving a running commentary on this later.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Log and Still More on the Cookies
Cathe's Cardio and Weights- Compound and Heavy Wts premix
Cathe's Low Impact Step- just the warm-up
Bento's 10 Minute Solution Trouble Zones!- Butt and Thigh Blaster; Stretch
Today is supposed to be a recovery-type day, but I'm feeling pretty good, and since I had two days off on the weekend, I think I'm going to do some extra step.
Note on the Cpd and Heavy Wts premix: I did all of the pyramid push up side raise thingies without modifications! Yay. Road back to fitness, I'm travellin' on. I am still modifying some of the ab work, especially those walking soldier planks at the very end. Ugh.
The whole eating thing was fair...I had a few too many of those oatmeal cookies. I've decided that they're not too bad, I just had to get over the fact that they didn't have the same taste or texture as oatmeal cookies. Maybe they should be called bean cookies, or something. I think I'll make another batch, this time with the cinnamon oatmeal.
P90X Masters Series

Here are some clips:
Ok, I can't say much for their form on this one, but it does look fun! The music sounds like it's the same as P90x, a guitar-heavy rock that would be over-the-top in other videos, but is absolutely perfect for P90X (and Masters, I hope)
Oh, and this one has me wondering if I can afford an authentic BeachBody Pullup Bar. Never mind that I have my own pull-up bar setup at home.
In that last one, when Tony's yelling out "He's kipping a little!" He's talking about a kipping pull up. Kipping 101: Kipping pull ups can allow someone with very limited upper body strength or who is very heavy to perform many many pull ups since it is more based on rhythm and momentum than strength. A kipping pull up, done correctly, is more than just kicking your feet wildly and flopping around on your way up to the pull up bar. A correctly done kipping pull up is fluid and powerful.
While a kipping pullup is easier on your direct pulling muscles, it's much harder on your grip and it's much more cardiovascular. It's a full body movement where you generate power at your hips - a similar use of the legs and hips to a kettlebell swing or a barbell snatch - just the opposite direction. It looks like this:
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Oatmeal Cookie Report

Video Review: Budokon: Beginning Practice

Overview: This video is titled Budokon: Beginning Practice, and is intended to introduce the principles of budokon: the combination of yoga, martial arts and meditation. It is ideal for people with little space, and requires no equipment (except for an optional yoga mat)
About Myself: I am a former advanced exerciser who took a whole year to slide all the way back to low intermediate, especially in cardio.
The Workout: First off, I had a beef with the fact that it's a Gaiam video...which of course means no ff or skipping past the commercial at the beginning. But, once you finally get to it, the menu has three options, the pose guide, the long workout (35 min) and the short workout (28 min). I did not look at the pose guide because I have some yoga and some martial arts experience (I'm sadly out of practice in both, however). The long and the short workout are THE SAME WORKOUT. It's just that the long workout has more instruction and a 4 minute introduction. Admittedly, it's nice to be able to condense your workout to under 30 min, but don't think that you are getting two separate workouts.
There are three people on set, with Cameron Shayne leading, and one person (the girl on the left) modifying. The set is a brick studio that is saved from being dingy by the nice light-colored wood floors. The music is not intrusive, but fairly blah.
Shayne does not mirror cue, which isn’t too bad in the yoga, but can be confusing in the martial arts part. I ended up just mirroring him anyway, because it’s really confusing to me when he turns right and I turn left.
The Yoga Part: The yoga was mostly sun salutationesque, with some warriors thrown in. Shayne tells you to watch the modifier if you are truly a beginner, but the camera does not show her too often.
The Kick/Punch Part: You do all of the exercises on one side, and then all of the exercises on the other. He started with the punches, and then moved to the kicks. I wore a heart rate monitor, but my heart rate never got very high, I think the highest was in the 130’s. He worked up a huge sweat, and was even panting a little. I have a feeling he put WAY more into it than I did J Oh, and Shayne’s form was beautiful to watch. If you want to know how to execute a great punch or a kick, watch this guy.
The Meditation Part: I’m not much of a meditation person, and this was a very short, standing practice, kind of like a cool down while standing in place.
The Instructor: Cameron Shayne is very calm, doesn’t chatter, and has great form. I really enjoy his instructing style.
So overall, this was a fun little workout, one that I would reach for when I need a half hour workout on my recovery days, but I am disappointed about the fact that I thought I was getting two half hour workouts, when I really was only getting one.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Oatmeal, oatmeal and more oatmeal
Monday, October 08, 2007
I'm back